The wacom way

Pen tablet--a tech that makes our work precise, efficient and one that I could not draw digitally without. There's a pen that is pressure sensitive, depending on the model there varied nibs and some also have quick access buttons near your fingers that you can assign.   The tablet mirrors your screen, this is adjustable, but the idea is absolute positioning (this can take a little getting used to but it is well worth it).  And its wireless!  Working digitally is very forgiving and can also streamline complex endeavors, copying and transforming your way to lacy extravagance.  

Its a metaphor for the internet age, you can learn anything you want, with digital art you can do anything you want--but you have to figure out what to do with all that.  For me going into work mindfully is really important, turning a project over for a week or two before I start to actually put it down, then the project can be rendered somewhat quickly and then its back to pondering.  I follow the guideline of one of my favorite painting teachers, Tom Edgerton, who says finishing work is 90% looking and 10% doing!